365 Project Blog

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=============== Update =============== Facebook have deleted the new 365 App, along with the old, therefore, I give up, 2 apps deleted, thousands of users disappointed. Don't know what else I can do. :-( ==================================== To cut a long story short, we have a new Facebook app, get it here I know many discussions have been started and there's lots of confusion so I thought... Read more
Unbelievably for the 2nd week in a row the theme winner has failed to get back to me with their chosen theme, check your emails people! I therefore put the task of choosing the theme to a crack team of photographers, aka our twitter followers, (@The365Project) We had various suggestions, some more website-friendly than others, but over-all many people mentioned Easter,... Read more
1) D'fly and Frog by Jason Daniels 2) Frog on Eggplant by Jason Daniels 3) Fogvegas by Alan Warren 4) Nature's Jewels by Lauren Dahlhauser 5) Bridge To Nowhere by Karen Hofmann (chevymom) 6) SOOC by Emily 7) Illuminations by Judith Greenwood 8) My Dad is the best.. by Pankaj Sharma 9) Slaap kindje slaap;-) by Caroliene 10) 088.365 | The Usual Suspects by Justin K. ... Read more
Some excellent entries to this weeks theme, thanks everyone. Although not officially included here, Joseph Donnelly deserves special note for being the only photo I saw featuring the number 42! This crowd clearly isn't geeky enough! 1) Top Left 2) Top Right 3) Bottom Left 4) Bottom Middle 5) Bottom Right Please reply in the comments below with the number of the photo you wish to vote... Read more
Hello all, apologies for the late posting of the theme, unfortunately last weeks winner, Laney, didn't get back to me with a theme. Therefore I have chosen this weeks theme to be "In The Garden" it's been a relatively sunny weekend in the UK and I thought it would be great to see some shots from your "back yard". If you... Read more
1) Morning light by Graham Harcombe 2) Three Generations by Giselle Lawler 3) Canalside by Juliette Packham 4) Day 205 - Wonder what she thinks of the books by Rebecca Doyle 5) Untitled by Sandi Chetwynd 6) Faith (New York Series) by Alecio 7) Respect (New York Series) by Alecio 8) The Red Ones Taste Best by Kerri 9) Love, Hopeless Love by Emily Robinson 10) Hanging Cloud by... Read more
365ers is a series of interviews with members from our fantastic community. The interviews were kindly carried out by Loni. Steve has been a long time member of the site and is well known in the discussion boards for voicing his opinion and organising the awesome 365 London meetup. Thanks for doing the interview Steve! The Interview Tell us a little about... Read more
Thanks to everyone who entered last weeks "Frame" theme, there were almost 600 entries and honestly, it was tough picking these final 5. 1) Top Left 2) Top Right 3) Bottom Left 4) Bottom Middle 5) Bottom Right Please reply in the comments below with the number of the photo you wish to vote for. The winner will be contacted on Saturday and gets to choose... Read more
Well done to mimma_blue for winning last weeks "Ink" theme, it was a close vote but she came out on top. mimma_blue has kindly chosen us the theme "Numbers" for this week... I would like to choose ‘numbers’ as our new theme. I love typography and thought numbers could be an interesting theme for interpretation. If you would like to enter please tag... Read more
1) Dream in Color by Amy Hughes 2) spring by Ira 3) Dew Drops by Vaderkip 4) Cicada emerging... by Abraham Lincoln 5) Day 89 of 365 by Annie Charalambous 6) Runaway by Natalie Payne 7) Explosion ! by Flamez 8) San Fernando Road by Alecio 9) Fish bowl jump 089/365 by Clint Decker 10) Walking In The Blue by jennylee ... Read more
365ers is a series of interviews with members from our fantastic community. The interviews were kindly carried out by Loni. Last week we featured Lauren Dahlhauser and we had a great response from you guys. This week we're sharing time with Jesse Wallace, thanks to him for providing this great interview, I hope you enjoy it. The Interview Tell us a little about... Read more
Well done to everyone who entered, Ink was a tough one but you all did a great job, here are the 5 finalists. 1) Top Left 2) Top Right 3) Bottom Left 4) Bottom Middle 5) Bottom Right Please reply in the comments below with the number of the photo you wish to vote for. The winner will be contacted on Saturday and gets to choose... Read more