Goodbye and hello, as always by sourkraut

Goodbye and hello, as always

Whoo hoo! I did it! 365 days of photos completed.

I know I'm hardly the first person around here to successfully finish the year but I thought I'd take this opportunity to distill some of my thoughts on the project. I missed every milestone along the way, mostly because I was busy focusing on the idea for my next photo rather than the numbers, but this is one milestone I can't help but notice.

Like everyone, it's amazing to see how far I've come from my first crappy photos, even if I can compare myself to some of the talent here and see I still have much to improve. That said, it's the days (and sometimes months) when I was feeling down or life was hectic and my shots often suffered as a result that I'm the proudest of. I got through an entire year of ups and downs and managed to stick to this promise to myself. As I look forward to celebrating my 30th birthday in a few weeks it's one of the accomplishments I can carry with me into the next decade. Although at my age I probably shouldn't be carrying anything heavy lest I slip and break a hip. :)

While I can't say I ever doubted that I would finish out the year I was hoping for a much more triumphant conclusion. As it is, I find myself limping and dragging myself over the finish line, grateful for it to finally be over. I knew my obsessive German personality wouldn't let me allow myself the luxury of quitting, even at the toughest times, but the enthusiasm and creative drive that carried me through many months seems to have petered out. I still love my camera, love the process of coming up with ideas and coming up with a shot to match, and I wouldn't give up photography for the world. However, the days when it's a struggle to carve out the time to take a decent photo are becoming more and more frequent. It feels too much like an obligation, a chore to add to the vacuuming and laundry that awaits me at the end of each day. For that reason, I'll be happy to step back from my project and loosen the rules for myself in the year(s?) to come.

For one, and this is the part that makes me happiest, it will no longer be about quantity over quality. If I can't think of a good idea for a shot or if none of my shots pan out I won't feel compelled to post yet another blurry picture of my cats to fill the gap. I can already hear your sigh of relief. I know I still have a long way to go skill-wise but at least I'll have the luxury of waiting another day until the lighting's right or inspiration strikes.

I also relish the idea of getting to spend more time commenting on my 365 friends' pictures. I've had a hard time keeping up with that lately and can't wait to devote some of the time that was previously occupied by my daily photos to viewing others' works instead. It's been amazing to make so many creative and fun friends here. It's not always easy to find folks who share your interests so this site is great for bringing us together. Our interaction is one of the things that kept me going throughout the project and I've been feeling incredibly guilty about slacking off and neglecting my friends. Let's face it; without your awesome, supportive comments I might have wound up hating this project but thanks to you it's been rewarding and wonderful. Your comments have meant a lot to me so thank you for each and every one!

Hope to see you all soon with photo #366. Now then, where's my celebratory cake?
Congrats on completing your project!! Great shot!
August 31st, 2011  
Oh i loooooooove it! Big celebratory hugs to you *picks up Lina as she flops over the finish line*
I loved reading your words and reflections on the project - you've summed it up so well - and I know those feelings too. I'm sorry I didn't find you as a 365 friend until late in your project... but we least we have other avenues to keep in touch *secret handshake*
Congrats to you and make sure pour yourself a glass of wine to go with that cake x
August 31st, 2011  
Wrinkles, you done good :) now keep posting or I'll come just take random pictures of you and post them on your 365. Ok? Ok! ;)
August 31st, 2011  
Congrats Lina! While I am pretty new to 365, I've always enjoyed your photos especially the slightly creepy ones! I appreciate all your comments and look forward to seeing more of your work in the years to come. Ross should sell 365 cakes to celebrate the milestone.
August 31st, 2011  
Kenisha, girl, you done good. See you around occasionally!!
August 31st, 2011  
Major congrats! This is actually the first time I've seen one of your photos. And you made it to the end! I staretd on Jan 1 so I still have a few months to go. My creativity comes in spurts. Stay tuned to see what happens!
August 31st, 2011  
BTW, I'd kill to be 30 again!
August 31st, 2011  
But I just found you! And you're done already! Glad to hear that you're still planning on sticking around though:) Congratulations on completing 365!!!!! HUGE accomplishment in my eyes. Looking forward to seeing more of your shots, and not just the ones you feel obligated to post:)
And 30! Woo! You're going to love your 30's :)
August 31st, 2011  
Lina, you did it! Congratulations for a job well done. I agree that finding the time to view and comment on others' work is vital and often very difficult. I hope you keep your resolve to continue to stay in touch with your 365 friends. I love the image you chose to mark you last day. It adds a special dignity to the moment. I have to ask is that your image in the background as well? How did you do that? (Always leave them wanting more!)
August 31st, 2011  
If I had known it was 365, I would have brought you pretzels all the way across the river. Love the photo and have really liked following you and seeing your creativity.
August 31st, 2011  
Thank you, everyone! I was already feeling happy today because of finishing this and your comments have been the icing on the cake.

@brumbe Drat! Er, I mean I must have miscounted. I'm sure tomorrow is really 365. :)

@allie912 I really do plan to stick around. I think there'd be a 365-shaped hole in my life if I didn't. The background is indeed my own image but I'll admit that unlike the selfies it was not taken today. I took it earlier in the summer while on vacation in WV. I'd hoped to find a similarly interesting local cemetery today to do the shoot in person but by the time I got off of work and drove almost an hour to drop my husband off somewhere I was too pooped to go out again.
August 31st, 2011  
Congrats Lina on finishing your project!! Wow, what an accomplishment...and your photos, creativity, how you execute them, are just so impressive. I've really enjoyed seeing your shots. I can really relate to your commentary also....this project's community is so encouraging and uplifting!! Looking forward to your #366:-)
August 31st, 2011  
Its okay, one day we will do a field trip and meet and I will bring my pretzels (just remember I am not a great baker).
August 31st, 2011  
congratulations - i certainly have gained much enjoyment from your shots
August 31st, 2011  
Congratulations! That was a book to read, haha. As far as a celebratory cake, I think you'd do better than me at making one.
August 31st, 2011  
Congratulations, I have really enjoyed following you and even though I won't see a photo every day I hope to see some . You are a very creative person and your photos show that. Again congratulations, and New Jersey isn't a bad place to be :)
August 31st, 2011  
I can't believe you're done!!!! Congratulations! Can I have some of your cake please! :)
August 31st, 2011  
Congratulations to you, glad you got it done... looking forward to seeing a relaxed you... lol
August 31st, 2011  
Congratulations and well done, kick back and relax a little now.
August 31st, 2011  
Awesome!!! Congrats! Its such an amazing accomplishment to complete a whole year! Great job!
August 31st, 2011  
*does happy dance, but in a zombie kinda way* :)

CONGRATS ON FINISHING LINA! looking forward to the quality vs, quantity :D that's how I'm gonna go about it when I finish in a couple of months.

back to the actual photo, ahem, I love your haircut! and the vignette you did. and that your walking away too.

Also, our graveyard does not look this cool! bummer...
August 31st, 2011  
Congratulations yo! Glad to hear you'll be sticking around :) I'd send you a cake if I had one :(
August 31st, 2011  
Hi Lina! Congratulations on finishing your project! Very nice job! Will wait for your photo#366!
August 31st, 2011  
Congratulations! Such a fantastic accomplishment. I completely understand what you are saying about it being a chore some days. I am in a phase where I am struggling, but like you, I refuse to give up. That also has translated to some crappy shots. Happy early birthday to you. I swear the 30s are the best. You are going enough to have lots of energy but wise enough to not care what people think any more. It is nice to no longer worry about what people think which frees up your time to just be you. Best of luck with whatever is next!
August 31st, 2011  
Congratulations on completion of your project - glad you are continuing...and if you're finised (along with a few others I follow) that means my ending is near too! (well OK a couple of months!) Look forward to following you onwards into year shot BTW to finish!
August 31st, 2011  
August 31st, 2011  
Hey... congrats on teh year.. well done :-)
Guessed there was something German about you by your username... Same here, my Mum's a Berliner...
August 31st, 2011  
Congrats Lina! I had to fav this because you are one of my favorite friends I've made here on 365. Your creativity, witty humor, also dark humor is what I've needed to get me through my day from time to time. And on some days I felt stuck, your photographs helped spark a little creativity in my own brain. You better not quit taking photos...I think I would be devastated! :) see you soon
September 1st, 2011  
Congratulations on finishing this project, Lina. I haven't always commented on your photos, but I have found them very cool and interesting. You've got a creative eye and artistic talent, so I hope you keep taking photos, or making any other kind of art that inspires you. And I find it super cool that you know Charlottesville so well. Good luck with everything.
September 1st, 2011  
Congratulations. Well done. But keep posting when you can. We will miss you.
September 1st, 2011  
Lina, congrats for all your hard work and perseverance...I love seeing our photos and as Kate said your dark humor is always fun to look forward to....
September 1st, 2011  
HURRAY FRIEND!!!! :D That is indeed an awesome feat!!! :D I really love your determination and I understand your sacrifices. Job well done. And I hope to see you in photo #366...

But as you say, just relax and no more pressure. :)
September 1st, 2011  
Congrats on completing your 365!! Great last capture, too. Very creative.
September 1st, 2011  
Congratulations, I am so happy to I teract with you and after I finished reading, I just can relate a lot with all you wrote, specially the last paragraph. I like your style, your ideas, and your project.
I hope you are going to be able to be around for one more year, good luck!
September 1st, 2011  
Congratulations on your whole year of creativity! That's a big accomplishment and I always admired how different, clever and beautiful were your daily shots. Looking forward for many more in the future!
P.S. My birthday is in a few weeks as well, a dreaded 3-0 as well :)
September 1st, 2011  
Congrats on the year!! I do enjoy your photos, so keep on shooting....whenever you feel like it :)
September 2nd, 2011  
Lina, congratulations! And thanks for your words. And thanks for your pics, you also entertain us!
September 2nd, 2011  
MEGACONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! it was awesome set of photos!
September 6th, 2011  
Congrats!! This is a great photo to complete your 365 project!
September 10th, 2011  
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