All of my photos are gone

August 10th, 2021
I've had a crazy few years and came back today to find some of my old writing. I'm absolutely crushed to find that every single thing has been deleted. None of the stories or comments were saved anywhere. I did not realize they would delete.

Is there any possible way to get them back? Even if its paid for? I would pay anything to get them back, this was years of memories that are now gone. I had a paid account but I guess it expired. I thought it was still being paid for.
August 10th, 2021
Based on my last profile edits, the last time I posted was in early 2020.
August 10th, 2021
oh, Carissa!
I am so disappointed for you!
Yes - Ross does delete inactive accounts because of storage issues. I have seen this very same thing happen to many members and it is heart-breaking every time!
You can try to email Ross ( to see if he can help but I am sure that you will find that the photos are gone.
August 10th, 2021
Hi @claycameras - unfortunately if your account has lapsed for over a year then your account has been closed and the photos are not recoverable, I wish we didn't have to do this, and you should have received a warning email about this happening, but some people miss this or the email goes to spam.

I have to take these actions to keep our costs down, otherwise I wouldn't be able to keep the site running, it costs a lot to host millions of photos for free.

If it's of any help I can export the dates/titles/descriptions of your photos so you can match them up with your originals. If you would like that, please reach out to me at

For reference to other existing Ace members, you can export a backup of your photos by visiting the month-view page of your project and downloading an archive of each month.
August 10th, 2021
Oh, so sorry, Carissa. I'm sure that is very heartbreaking. But, definitely a good reminder to others.
August 10th, 2021
I hope that you will continue/start back up again.
August 10th, 2021
Hi Carissa, As a follower who read your narratives each day, I'm sad to know they are gone. I'm hoping you will go forward and start again...if you do, please follow me and I will do the same. ♥
August 10th, 2021
@Scrivna If you could get the descriptions back that would be wonderful! I have some backups of the photos, not in their original quality but good enough. Its the narratives that I've lost and miss the most. I'll send you an email.

@joysabin @linnypinny Honestly, at this point I'm not sure if I'll return. I'll have to think it over. I don't have a regular camera anymore so I can't take the quality of shots that I used to, which is frustrating, but getting the writing practice might be good. There's a lot more freedom to write here than on Instagram. I just don't know if my narratives will fit in here anymore.
August 10th, 2021
Carissa - I do hope that you come back. Your narratives were wonderful.
As for the quality of the photos - it is more important to post what you can rather than worry about the quality. Everyone has different objectives and yours seems to have been for the narratives.
Ross has added a new feature where you can download your archive. I haven't given it a try yet so I am not sure how it works, but you may want to consider downloading your work on a monthly basis.
August 10th, 2021
I am so sorry to see your account had to lapse and you lost the pictures and narratives. It's truly heart-breaking when that happens. If and when I write something special on here, I usually copy and paste it into a document on my computer as well. I hope you come back as well and as Wendy said, don't worry about the camera. I started out here with a little tiny point and shoot. The cell phone cameras of today out shine it by miles! but the point is to take pictures and enjoy it. Just a small word of encouragement- memory is a powerful thing and hopefully some of your retrieved pictures will trigger memories of what you wrote so you can recapture a little bit of it. True it won't be the same as the first pieces, but it's better than nothing, right?
August 11th, 2021
I am so sorry for the loss of those memories. I hope you are able to recover your stories.
August 12th, 2021
Hi Carissa, i was wondering about you the other day! pity you lost your project, hopefully getting the narratives back will be possible, but perhaps the past is due for letting go?!
I do hope you are doing well
August 12th, 2021
also thought to mention you can set folders to private if you just want somewhere to write, it would need to be with an image but it could just be something basic you draw in a paint program or whatever.
August 12th, 2021
August 12th, 2021
So glad you have!
I have been doing a huge project lately and put 365 on the back burner so you will not see much of me.
I hope to be able to spend more time once again in the New Year. But I will pop in to your project as I can.
August 13th, 2021
@claycameras So happy to hear that!
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